Monday, April 3, 2017

Backglass Art Restoration

Just a quick post to show I am still working on the United Brazil Bingo Pinball backglass artwork restoration. In addition to my other post on artwork restoration here are a couple of new "before" shots:

You would think this section should be fairly easy to restore. The breaks and tears are in solid-color areas. Of course the reality is that I have to redraw the entire area in Photoshop anyway, but it is relatively easy as the level of detail is low.

This one is going to be tougher. For two reasons. One is that there is a large amount of missing detail. As I mentioned before, this backglass simply does not have any high-resolution scans I can use for reference. And two this is a relatively complex area. It is doable, it will just take some time, especially with my limited skills.

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