Thursday, April 16, 2015

The list of problems

After spending some time with the unit last night, my summary is:

Outer Shell

The shell is in pretty good shape considering it is around 40 years old.
The glass has a lot of scratches on it, the frame around the glass is worn down so the bare metal is visible. The sides are not wood but appear to be a Formica-like wood-simulation laid down over plywood. On the bottom the base is the same, a Formica-like hard coat over plywood. There are chips in the corners but all in all, not too bad.


The playfield looks pretty good for the age.
When you look close though, it is apparent that the paint is barely hanging on. Look at the "7000" yellow ellipse. You can see the clean area where a mylar plastic film was laid down years ago, and what the unprotected surface looks like.
I don't see myself removing all the paint and completely redoing the table surface, but a good cleaning and touchup will definitely be needed.


There are some problems here.

The person I purchased it from said it played well but got really smoking hot underneath and blew fuses.
In my tests, I am getting inconsistent results. The Power-On-Self-Test runs correctly so the power supply is generating the proper voltage and the main logic board is happy.

However, in 10 power-on tests. My results were:
Logic board: powered on all 10 times, worked good.
Sound board: powered on all 10 times, worked good.
Playfield lights: powered on all 10 times, worked good.
Score display: powered on 2 times. Passed test when it did come on.
Playfield solenoids: never powered on at all.

Based on the report from the previous owner that it played well and that the solenoids don't work at all and the score only displays sometimes, I am currently suspecting a power problem.

Time to get out the multi-meter!

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