Friday, April 24, 2015

Stuck Solenoid

One of the two problems with the Hot Tip table is that the solenoid powering the left bumper right above the flipper is on all the time. As soon as the power is turned on, about 3 seconds later the table boots up and the solenoid pops up:

I checked the wiring in the back, looking for obvious shorts:

But everything looked ok. Time to break out the multimeter...

I checked the switches, verifying they were open unless pushed on. I traced the wire (Blue with brown stripe) back to the board and verified power was working ok as when I pulled the connector from the board it did not turn on. Although it is still possible there is a short with some other connection on that same plug.

While rechecking the switches, I noticed a 3rd switch almost underneath the solenoid. It appears to be tripped when the solenoid fires. I checked it and found that it did not close:

It looked like I had found my problem! I carefully removed the switch. It is difficult to tell from the picture. They are close but do not make contact:

So, I bent the wire a little, put it all back onto the table and fired it up with high hopes!

Sadly, the problem still exists. Ugh, back to the drawing board.

Edit: After more research, that switch is a scoring switch - for incrementing the score and has nothing to do with firing the solenoid.

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