Monday, April 27, 2015

More solenoid frustration

I made limited progress on finding what the problem with the solenoid was.

After downloading the user guide, it explained how to run the diagnostics. I ran the switch diagnostics which told me that none of the switches were faulty. I then ran the solenoid diags and the solenoid was on the whole time as the other ones fired one at a time.

The process gave me 2 important clues.
1 - during the switch test the solenoid was not on. This tells me it is not a short as a true short should have powered the solenoid even then.
2 - during the solenoid test the solenoid was on all the time. If it was shorted to a couple of other solenoids it should have powered off at least once as they all fired one at a time.

Based on this it is most likely something on the solenoid board. When the board is unpowered (during the switch test) the solenoid is off and when the board is powered tne solenoid is on all the time.

Hopefully it is an easy to replace transistor!

I labeled everything and pulled the board, then ran the simple multimeter test on the transistors without any success...sigh
So I have ordered a real testor. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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