Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Self-inflicted wounds

Apparently, the source of my problems is.....me

The Hot Tip table has a couple of burned out lights. I thought it a bit difficult to count which ones were out in the series so I came up with the brilliant idea to leave the power on and in light-flashing-mode and open the table.

I lifted up the table but while shifting my grip I managed to set the partially extracted table down onto the metal bar.


smoke curled out and the table went dead... really dead, not a light on it.

I checked the circuit breaker in the panel - it was fine. I opened the back and checked all the fuses on the power supply, they were fine. Looks like it was time to toss it into the garbage.

Before I retrieved the dolly, I started thinking about power. I have nothing lit at all and all the power supply fuses are low voltage - 5 and 28 volts. There must be a house-current fuse somewhere.

I followed the power cord into the cabinet and where it snaked around until I found another fuse, hidden back on the side of the lower cabinet. It was blown...off to the hardware store!

While looking around, I wondered if I had shorted and melted anything, I checked the wires on the solenoid that was the problem and they were ok, but then I looked at the solenoid itself.

I must have set it down harder than I thought as I gouged a divot into the windings of the solenoid....sigh, time to replace one of them as well...

and the light still isn't replaced...sigh

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