Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cleaning the dropdown - part 3

This is turning into the part that will not live....

as documented last time I purchased a replacement solenoid and transistors, I soldered the transistors into the board, wired the solenoid up and tried it out. Nothing worked and now there is a whine, even after pulling out the transistors and solenoid...

After spending quite a bit of time looking at the solenoid board and trying things I found the problem appears to be in the sound board. At least when I pull the sound board everything starts working again.

However..... after soldering the transistors back in again...

All of the solenoids stopped working.
More checking, the fuse under the playfield is blown. And it blows every time I connect the replacement solenoid back in.

Time to find out if that was the right transistor.

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