Saturday, February 10, 2018

Ball drain coil repairs

on the Harlem globetrotter table the new MP3 board isn't resetting all the way. Of course there is no information with it such as what it means when it stops after only 4 blinks  of 6.

My guess is I have a bad coil or two, so let's take a look at them and see.

The most obvious starting point is the ball drain coil. Just looking at it, it looks like the paper cover is crispy, a sure sign it has over heated.

Checking the resistance on it confirms. it is only a few tenths of an ohm, basically a direct short.

After removing it I can also confirm that it's toasty, I am unable to move the plunger at all, a sure sign it has heated up and expanded inside.

I pulled it apart and set about the clean it.

Some soap and water later, it wasn't too bad but still had a lot of gunk on it, so I set to it with  some sandpaper. Finally I had it decently clean.

'The plunger was pretty crappy, and it needed to be smooth for easy moving, so I sanded it down and put some metal polish on it, it looks pretty good!

Now to get a replacement coil and put it all back together. One down and who knows how many to go.

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