Friday, January 19, 2018

Power Trouble

Well, I didn't get the table up by New Years as I had hoped. I plugged everything in and started checking voltages.

According to the manual that came with the CPU board, do NOT plug it in unless the voltage at TP1 is 4.9-5.2 volts

Mine shows at 6.30 volts....sigh...and this is with a BRAND NEW voltage regulator board.
more posting to the forums
I get the reply back - "You should check this measurement at TP1 of the solenoid driver board, not the rectifier board."

Nice of them to provide 2 test points with the same name...sigh

Unfortunately, plugging the multi-meter in to the correct spot didn't work either...

As I suspected, I would need to replace the big Capacitor on the solenoid driver board...stay tuned!