Monday, April 13, 2015


Why this blog?

Am I just a blowhard? And whats up with the "and life?" is this supposed to be some kind of "zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" thing?

Well kinda.

This blog came about primarily because I became interested in pinball repair as a hobby. I read this article about having a hobby, something more than vegging out in front of the computer or TV and I started thinking of what kinds of hobbies it could be fun to get into as I approach retirement age.

Ship in a bottle: appealed a little, the model-building aspect. The precision and work involved, but it seems a little too old 19th century grandpa to me.

Woodworking (and/or metalworking): this appealed to me. I have done some of both and enjoyed it.

Classic Car Restoration: Sounds like a lot of fun, but the investment is too high for me.

Then I thought about restoring old pinball games. Buying an old busted up game for a song, spending quiet evenings tinkering, cleaning, repairing. When the grandkids and family come over they would have something to do besides heading straight for the X-Box.

It seemed like a perfect fit. The fun of pinball, the elegance of repairing old equipment, the relatively low cost of the games themselves.

Maybe if I restore a few extra, I can donate them to the church or the boys and girls club or something.

and the "life" part?

Well, I expect occasionally I will write about something besides pinball repair so I wanted to make sure that was known up front.

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