With the basic criteria defined for my new table-top:
- must be a single piece of wood all the way across both current areas (about 13 feet wide)
- must be rock solid (not slide around)
- must be level (our desks are currently 1/4 inch off in height)
- must have a coolness factor
I searched for the right design.
(1) For the table surface itself, I looked at butcher-block flooring but although a table is a relatively small surface compared to a floor, it was still too much. I opted for oak-sided plywood (2 sheets of 4x8 feet)
(2) for it to be rock solid, it needed to butt against the wall or be locked into the desks. I opted to butt it up against the wall. Rather than size the piece of wood exactly to the wall with the difficulties of that and not messing the wall when install I opted for a about 1 inch of clearance all the way around. Then a smaller piece will be bolted on underneath that will touch the wall and lock it into place.
(3) for leveling, I have opted for stick-on felt disks (like what goes under chair legs to protect the floor) - this will protect the original desks, help to deaden sound, and I can vary the necessary height to easily make it flat.
(4) for the coolness factor, I looked at several nice looking computer desk layouts such as this one, and many of them have 2 things in common.
- very clean design, no visible cables
- back-lighting around the back side of the table
Based on this I have opted for a table-top that has LED lighting on the backside and custom holes exactly placed for the necessary cables in my layout.